1. , , , 1991 Retting: a lactic fermentation of cassava. Poster presented at the International Congress on Lactic Bacteria Lactic '91.11–13 September 1991, Caen, France.
2. Effects of the retting of cassava on product yield and cyanide detoxication
3. 1992 Origin of enzymatic activities responsible for detoxication and roots softening in retting, a cassava lactic fermentation. Conference (O57) presented at ASM 92nd general meeting, 26–30 May 1992, New Orleans USA.
4. , , , , , 1991 Kinetic study of retting: a cassava traditional fermentation in Central Africa. Presented at the workshop ‘Avances sobre almidon de yuca’, CIAT, Cali, Colombia, 17–20 June 1991.