1. and , “Aschner-Gallagher System,” In Mirrors for Behavior, II, vol. and , Eds., “Classroom Interaction Newsletter,” Research for Better Schools, Inc., 1970.
2. “The Minicourse as a Vehicle for Changing Behavior, The Research Evidence,” Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, 1969. (Borg worked with older students but found pauses to be below a 3-second criterion.)
3. “The Relation of Wait-The to Student Behavior in Science Curriculum Improvement Study Lessons,” unpublished Ed. D. dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1972.
4. “A Study of the Questioning Behavior of Teachers in the Science Curriculum Improvement Study Teaching the Unit on Material Objects,” unpublished Ed. D. dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1968.
5. The effects of verbal reward on the behavior of children in the primary grades at a cognitive task typical of the new elementary science curricula