1. School of Earth Sciences and Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center; Ohio State University; Columbus Ohio USA
2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Massachusetts; Amherst Massachusetts USA
3. ICUBE, Fluid Mechanics Team, Department of Civil Engineering; INSA Strasbourg; Strasbourg France
4. Connecticut Water Science Center, USGS; Hartford Connecticut USA
5. Department of Geography; University of California; Los Angeles California USA
6. Université de Toulouse, INPT, UPS, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse; Toulouse France
7. CNRS, IMFT; Toulouse France
8. Jet Propulsion Laboratory; NASA; Pasadena California USA
9. School of Geographical Sciences; University of Bristol; Bristol UK
10. Department of Geological Sciences; University of North Carolina; Chapel Hill North Carolina USA
11. INSA, Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse; Toulouse France
12. NOAA/NWS/Ohio River Forecast Center; Wilmington Ohio USA
13. Department of Earth Sciences; Uppsala University; Uppsala Sweden
14. Environment Canada; Québec Canada
15. Centre de Géosciences, MINES ParisTech; PSL Research University; Paris France
16. USGS Colorado Water Science Center; Lakewood Colorado USA
17. St Venant Lab Hydraul and EDF R&D; University of Paris-Est; France
18. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Washington; Seattle Washington USA
19. USGS Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Lab; Golden Colorado USA
20. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education; Delft Netherlands
21. CECI, CERFACS/CNRS; Toulouse France
22. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of California; Irvine California USA
23. Remote Sensing Solutions, Inc.; Monrovia California USA