1. FMC Midwest Research Station 13239 IL Route 38 Rochelle IL 61068 USA
2. Dep. of Plant and Soil Sciences Oklahoma State Univ. Stillwater OK 74078 USA
3. Dep. of Entomology and Plant Pathology Oklahoma State Univ. Stillwater OK 74078 USA
4. USDA–ARS, Wheat Health, Genetics, & Quality Research Unit Washington State Univ. 365 Johnson Hall Pullman WA 99164 USA
5. USDA–ARS, Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research Unit Kansas State Univ. 4008 Throckmorton Hall Manhattan KS 66506 USA
6. USDA–ARS Grain Quality and Structure Research Unit 1515 College Ave. Manhattan KS 66502 USA
7. USDA–ARS, Cereal Disease Lab. Univ. of Minnesota 1551 Lindig St. St. Paul MN 55108 USA
8. Food and Agricultural Products Center Oklahoma State Univ. 148 FAPC Stillwater OK 74078 USA
9. Dep. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Food and Agricultural Products Center Stillwater OK 74078 USA