1. Inserm U995/Team “Glycation: from inflammation to aging”; Lille School of Medicine; Lille University; Lille France
2. Animal Imaging Platform; IMPRT/IFR114; Lille University; Lille France
3. EGEAL Unit; Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais; Beauvais France
4. Hopital Cardiologique, CHRU de Lille; Lille University-INSERM UMR1011; Lille France
5. Diabetes Research Center; Department of Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center; New York NY USA
6. Blood Vessel Interface and Cardiovascular Repair/EA2693; Lille University; INSERM UMR 1011, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille France
7. Department of Biostatistics; EA2694, CERIM; Lille School of Medicine; Lille University; Lille France