1. Financial University under Government of Russian Federation
2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)
Subject. This article discusses the issues related to the formation of information resources in an organization, which are necessary to increase the level of digitalization of its activities.
Objectives. The article aims to identify problems related to the formation and management of quality information resources in the organization.
Methods. For the study, we used the methods of systems, comparative, structural, and logical analyses.
Results. The article identifies certain problems of the formation and use of quality information resources in the organization and proposes a method to sample labor time in the conditions of digital economy. The article also offers recommendations to build an effective system of information management and rational justification of labor standards, reducing social tensions.
Conclusions. Effective information management will help form an innovative type of organization in the modern economy, reducing the costs of high-tech production processes.
Publishing House Finance and Credit
Cited by
4 articles.