Model for developing the creativity based on the psychological training result


Dvornikova Olga1,Dvornikov Sergey23,Privalov Andrey2


1. The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

2. Budyonny Military Academy of the Signal Corps

3. Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation


Based on the theory of Markov processes used to describe the learning processes of cognitive systems, a probabilistic model is developed that describes the nature of developing individuals’ creative abilities based on the psychological training results. The stages of developing the theory of creativity are considered, from the standpoint of displaying each person’s creative abilities and intellectual characteristics. The indicators used to evaluate the level of creativity, as well as the reasons and factors that constrain the demonstration of its creative abilities within the framework of the personality’s internal filters are analysed. Reasonable conclusions are made about the creativity phenomenon, as one of a person’s individual abilities, given to her or him by nature, along with an ear for music, predispositions to certain sports, painting, etc. The possibility of further development of a person’s creativity based on the psychological training results is proved. The stages of developing the analytical part of the model using the mathematical apparatus of a simple homogeneous Markov chain are given. The main expressions are obtained that characterize the probabilistic nature of the process of developing creativity in the course of trainings. Graphic material is demonstrated, revealing the essence of the prepared model. The experiment results on developing students’ creative abilities during a-four-session training, obtained on the basis of express testing according to D. Johnson psychodiagnostics method of verbal creativity in E.E. Tunik modification are presented. Directions for further research are determined.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Medicine

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