Problems of training and selecting scientific personnel for solving tasks of military science


Dvornikova Olga1,Samokhin Vasily2,Dvornikov Sergey32ORCID,Hudyakov Andrey4


1. The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

2. Budyonny Military Academy of the Signal Corps

3. Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

4. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


The tasks solved by military science are considered. Their effective solution is shown to be possible only with the direct participation of competent specialists who deeply understand this issue particularity. Substantiated argumentation of this thesis is presented. The system uniqueness of training military specialists and scientists in military educational institutions is shown. Its specificity is considered from the standpoint of the hierarchical structure. The existing approach to selecting future personnel for admission to postgraduate studies is analysed. The paper states that the competence and professionalism of a military university graduate primarily depend on the applicant’s level of general education, since he eventually becomes an officer. The mechanism of selecting and appointing to positions of researchers and teachers in military universities is defined. The main problems and shortcomings of the existing approach to training specialists for working in the field of military science are revealed. In particular, the paper shows that upon admitting to postgraduate studies, it is not the applicant’s cognitive abilities that are checked, but his ability to prepare an answer to the formulated question. As a result, the applicant’s cognitive abilities are not revealed. The authors substantiate that a comprehensive solution to this problem is possible only as a result of changing the very approach to recruiting adjuncts and graduate students. Namely, in addition to the successful passing of the entrance exams, it is proposed to additionally consider indicators that characterise applicants’ abilities for scientific activity, which are determined, among other things, by their creativity. It is substantiated that when selecting scientific personnel, it is necessary to take into account not only their desire and capabilities, determined by the exam results, but also the test results that characterise their creative component. The main stages of the methodology for selecting specialists for working in the field of military science are presented, considering individual indicators that mark their creativity while performing official duties for their intended purpose. The indicators representing creativity are determined. The Pareto principle usage is substantiated.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Medicine

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