1. North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
2. Saint-Petersburg state university of aerospace instrumentation
3. Military academy of communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny
The article presents the results of a study aimed at the possibility of using the Rush-Fergusson model to assess the work analysis results of rehabilitation institutions by the Federal Service for Supervising the Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, based on the results of testing various groups of respondents. The paper considers the features of adapting the methods of modern testing theory for assessing the results of the respondents’ survey formed in accordance with the Likert scale, which does not use physically measured parameters. Judging by the results of considering logistic function properties, the one-parameter Rasch model and the generalized Rasch–Fergusson model, the latter is chosen due to the possibility of a reasonable generalization of the results obtained on its basis. The characteristic functions of the models under consideration are demonstrated and examples of their practical application are given. The results of processing data from testing various categories of respondents to assess the work of a rehabilitation centre are presented, based on the models under study. An original interpretation of latent variables is given, taking into account the object of study under consideration. An approach is proposed to assess the judgment similarity of various categories of respondents using Pearson correlation coefficients, which confirmed the findings obtained based on applying the Rasch and Rasch-Fergusson models. The feasibility of using models of modern testing theory to assess the service quality provided by rehabilitation institutions is shown, which allows one to consider the models adapted during the study as one of the control tools used in the work of the Federal Service for Supervising the Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.
Bryansk State Technical University BSTU
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