Estudio y diseño del Sistema de Tierra Integral de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


Lezama-Zárraga Francisco Román1ORCID,Ovando-Sierra Juan Carlos1ORCID,Castillo-Téllez Margarita1ORCID,Andrade-Durán Juan Edgar1


1. Universidad Autónoma De Campeche


Nowadays, low voltage electrical systems are more complex due to sensitive non-linear loads to voltage variations due to disturbances or poor quality of power in the electricity supply network, so it is necessary to protect equipment people who use these electrical installations every day. This paper presents a study to design the equipotential grounding system of the Faculty of Engineering of the Campeche´s Autonomous University in order to obtain an earth impedance value that complies with the standards NXM-J-549-ANCE-2005 and NOM-001-SEDE-2012 to provide safety conditions to people and equipment operating in the electrical installation in low voltage, quickly draining the fault, making the value of the voltage with respect to the earth reached in the part failure is equal to or less than the safety value and offer the corrective measures to improve the quality of the energy, which we receive from the supplier company. This study is the basis to implement a model of integral earth system for any type of buildings in our environment to achieve stable voltage levels at a constant frequency.



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