1. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
In this article, an energy efficiency study is presented for the fish and seafood freezer company which possesses a Photovoltaic Distributed Generation (GD-PV) plant of 60.32 kWp installed capacity. An energy audit is performed which consists of analyzing the principal electric variables for the utility billing service. Distributed Generation (GD) from renewable energy has been increasing worldwide as an effective mean to reduce electrical energy costs. It also directly helps companies to be more competitive and promote economic growth. Photovoltaic Distributed Generation (GD-PV) provides other additional benefits such as greenhouse gas mitigation and functioning as a roof barrier that prevents gaining solar radiation in buildings. This fact is particularly relevant in a hot-humid climate such as the state of Campeche, Mexico. The shading area due to GDPV prevents a daily roof thermal gaining of approximately 236.62 kW. Moreover, the GD-PV prevents the atmospheric emission of 4,448.9 kg of CO2 equivalent.
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