Energy efficiency using Distributed Generation; Cafeteria of Engineer Faculty Campeche, Mexico


Chan-Gonzalez Jorge J.1ORCID,Saravia-Pérez Isaac A.1ORCID,Lezama-Zárraga Francisco1ORCID,Shih Meng Yen1ORCID


1. Universidad Autónoma De Campeche


In the present work, an integral design of the cafeteria located at Faculty of Engineering of Autonomous University of Campeche is carried out. Four scenarios of Photo Voltaic (PV) generation have been studied. A 14 PV modules arrangement of 440 each, with azimuthal angle of 180º and a slope angle of 15º; the other is similar to the previous, but the slope angle was 19.85º. The following was a 24 PV modules arrangement of 440, with an azimuthal angle of 218º and a slope angle of 15º. The last arrangement consists of 24 PV modules arrangement of 440, with azimuthal angle of 218º and a slope angle of 19.85º. Where all of them are associated with the economic aspect to obtain greater efficiency of the plant with minimum recovery time. The free software System Advisor Model (SAM) developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has been employed. Complete seasonal analysis has also been performed considering Gran Demanda Media Ordinaria en México (GDMO de CFE in Mexico) within the period January 2020 to March 2021. The best results are energy generation 17,570 kWh. Capacity factor 19%. Energy performance 1,671 kWh/kW. Performance relation 0.74. Leveled cost 5.39 ¢/kWh. And return on investment in 0.6 years. The GD-PV plant prevents the emission into the atmosphere of 778.85 kg of CO2 equivalent.



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