1. Escuela Normal Superior Oficial de Guanajuato
2. Servicios Educativos del Estado de Chihuahua
3. Centro Universitario CIFE
It is presented the results of a study whose purpose was to reliability and validity of building an analytic socioformative process rubric to evaluate didactic planning in Teachers during their training process for Basic Education. The study involved 226 teachers. At first, reliability was determined through the Alpha Coefficient by Cronbach, having as a result .703. Results show that the instrument is reliable. Afterwards, an exploratory factorial analysis (AFE in Spanish), was carried out through the Maximum Authenticity Method with promax rotation and cluster analysis. This analysis showed the existence of a factor that explains 53.046% of the variance and is consistent with didactic planning. There was no need to eliminate any item according to the results of the factorial analysis. From these studies on, it can be conclusive that the target rubric of study has the adequate levels of reliability and construct validity. It is necessary to carry on new studies to confirm the results.
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