1. Guidelines for flash card instruction
2. Peter A Bruck Luvai Motiwalla and Florian Foerster. 2012. Mobile learning with micro-content: a framework and evaluation. Bled eConference 25th Bled eConference eDependability: Reliable and Trustworthy eStructures eProcesses eOperations and eServices for the Future (2012) 17--20. Peter A Bruck Luvai Motiwalla and Florian Foerster. 2012. Mobile learning with micro-content: a framework and evaluation. Bled eConference 25th Bled eConference eDependability: Reliable and Trustworthy eStructures eProcesses eOperations and eServices for the Future (2012) 17--20.
3. Deborah L Butler and Philip H Winne. 1995. Feedback and self-regulated learning: A theoretical synthesis. Review of educational research 65 3 (1995) 245--281. Deborah L Butler and Philip H Winne. 1995. Feedback and self-regulated learning: A theoretical synthesis. Review of educational research 65 3 (1995) 245--281.
4. Anforderungen an mobile Micro Learning Anwendungen mit Gamification-Elementen in Unternehmen