1. Gamification in software engineering education: A systematic mapping
2. M. Kosa ; M. Yilmaz ; R. V. O'Connor ; P. M. Clarke . Software engineering education and games: a systematic literature review . In: Journal of Universal Computer Science, v. 22 , pp. 1558 - 1574 , 2016 . M. Kosa; M. Yilmaz; R. V. O'Connor; P. M. Clarke. Software engineering education and games: a systematic literature review. In: Journal of Universal Computer Science, v. 22, pp. 1558-1574, 2016.
3. W. L. Lee . SCRUM-X: An interactive and experiential learning platform for teaching scrum . In: VII International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics – VII International Conference on Society and Information Technologies. pp. 192 - 197 . 2016 . W. L. Lee. SCRUM-X: An interactive and experiential learning platform for teaching scrum. In: VII International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics – VII International Conference on Society and Information Technologies. pp. 192-197. 2016.
4. A serious game for teaching the fundamentals of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 systems and software engineering – Lifecycle processes – Requirements engineering at undergraduate level
5. GreaTest