“There are a LOT of moral issues with biowearables” ... Teaching Design Ethics through a Critical Making Biowearable Workshop


Antle Alissa N.1,Murai Yumiko2,Kitson Alexandra3,Candau Yves4,Dao-Kroeker Zoe Minh-Tam1,Adibi Azadeh2


1. School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Canada

2. Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Canada

3. Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University, Canada

4. Simon Fraser University, Canada


SSHRC Insight Grant

NSERC Discovery Grant

SFU Innovates



Reference54 articles.

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3. Mental health: There’s an app for that

4. Alissa N. Antle and Alexandra Kitson . 2021 . 1,2,3,4 Tell me how to grow more: A position paper on children, design ethics and biowearables. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30, Elsevier , 100328. Alissa N. Antle and Alexandra Kitson. 2021. 1,2,3,4 Tell me how to grow more: A position paper on children, design ethics and biowearables. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30, Elsevier, 100328.

5. Opportunities and Scaffolds for Critical Reflection on Ethical Issues in an Online After School Biowearable Workshop for Youth

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1. Facilitating critical reflection in online distributed maker workshops: Case studies;International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction;2022-09








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