1. Zheng Li, Liam O'Brien, Shayne Flint, and Ramesh Sankaranarayana. 2014. Object-oriented Sokoban solver: A serious game project for OOAD and AI education. InFrontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2014 IEEE.IEEE, 1--4.
2. Du-Mim Yoon and Kyung-Joong Kim. 2015. Challenges and opportunities in game artificial intelligence education using Angry Birds.IEEE Access3 (2015), 793--804.
3. Carlos N Silla, Marcelo Paglioney, and Iuri GP Mardegany. 2016. jOthelloT: A java-based open source Othello framework for artificial intelligence undergraduate classes. InFrontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2016 IEEE.IEEE, 1--7.
4. Scott Sosnowski, Tim Ernsberger, Feng Cao, and Soumya Ray. 2013. Sepia: a scalable game environment for artificial intelligence teaching and research. InProceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
5. Feiyu Lu, Kaito Yamamoto, Luis H Nomura, Syunsuke Mizuno, YoungMin Lee, and Ruck Thawonmas. 2013. Fighting game artificial intelligence competition platform. InConsumer Electronics (GCCE), 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on.IEEE, 320--323.