Modern concurrency abstractions for C#


Benton Nick1,Cardelli Luca1,Fournet Cédric1


1. Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Polyphonic C is an extension of the C language with new asynchronous concurrency constructs, based on the join calculus. We describe the design and implementation of the language and give examples of its use in addressing a range of concurrent programming problems.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)



Reference43 articles.

1. Agha G. Wegner P. and Yonezawa A. 1993. Research Directions in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming. MIT Press.]] Agha G. Wegner P. and Yonezawa A. 1993. Research Directions in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming. MIT Press.]]

2. Andrews G. R. and Olsson R. A. 1993. The SR Programming Language: Concurrency in Practice. Benjamin/Cummings.]] Andrews G. R. and Olsson R. A. 1993. The SR Programming Language: Concurrency in Practice. Benjamin/Cummings.]]

3. An overview of the SR language and implementation

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2. LabBuddy: A Game-based Interactive and Immersive Educational Platform for Physics Lab Learning using Artificial Intelligence and 3D Game Engine;Artificial Intelligence and Applications;2022-10-29

3. Continuations and Aspects to Tame Callback Hell on the Web;JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science;2021-09-28

4. Robust Performance of Main Memory Data Structures by Configuration;Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data;2020-06-11

5. Concurrent Typestate-Oriented Programming in Java;Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science;2019-04-02







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