LabBuddy: A Game-based Interactive and Immersive Educational Platform for Physics Lab Learning using Artificial Intelligence and 3D Game Engine


Ji Yuxing,Gao Mingze,Sun Yu


The concepts of physics play an important role in many fields of people’s lives, and physics learning is abstract, challenging, and sometimes intimidating [1]. However, how to motivate students to learn physics in a fun way becomes a question. This paper develops a gamic, interactive, educational application to allow students to learn abstract physics in an illustrative way. We have implemented a visual physics lab by using a 3D game engine supporting the immersive environment of visualization and providing a playful learning tool for physics experiments at the same time [2].


Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

Reference15 articles.

1. [1] Johnson, Paul E. "Associative meaning of concepts in physics." Journal of Educational Psychology 55.2 (1964): 84.

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