Algorithm 1024: Spherical Triangle Algorithm: A Fast Oracle for Convex Hull Membership Queries


Kalantari Bahman1ORCID,Zhang Yikai2


1. Emeritus Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

2. Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ


The Convex Hull Membership (CHM) tests whether \( p \in conv(S) \) , where p and the n points of S lie in \( \mathbb { R}^m \) . CHM finds applications in Linear Programming, Computational Geometry, and Machine Learning. The Triangle Algorithm (TA), previously developed, in \( O(1/\varepsilon ^2) \) iterations computes \( p^{\prime } \in conv(S) \) , either an \( \varepsilon \) - approximate solution , or a witness certifying \( p \not\in conv(S) \) . We first prove the equivalence of exact and approximate versions of CHM and Spherical -CHM, where \( p=0 \) and \( \Vert v\Vert =1 \) for each v in S . If for some \( M \ge 1 \) every non-witness with \( \Vert p^{\prime }\Vert \gt \varepsilon \) admits \( v \in S \) satisfying \( \Vert p^{\prime } - v\Vert \ge \sqrt {1+\varepsilon /M} \) , we prove the number of iterations improves to \( O(M/\varepsilon) \) and \( M \le 1/\varepsilon \) always holds. Equivalence of CHM and Spherical-CHM implies Minimum Enclosing Ball (MEB) algorithms can be modified to solve CHM. However, we prove \( (1+ \varepsilon) \) -approximation in MEB is \( \Omega (\sqrt {\varepsilon }) \) -approximation in Spherical-CHM. Thus, even \( O(1/\varepsilon) \) iteration MEB algorithms are not superior to Spherical-TA. Similar weakness is proved for MEB core sets. Spherical-TA also results a variant of the All Vertex Triangle Algorithm (AVTA) for computing all vertices of \( conv(S) \) . Substantial computations on distinct problems demonstrate that TA and Spherical-TA generally achieve superior efficiency over algorithms such as Frank–Wolfe, MEB, and LP-Solver.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Applied Mathematics,Software

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1. Solving a Class of Cut-Generating Linear Programs via Machine Learning;INFORMS Journal on Computing;2024-01-04

2. First-order methods for the convex hull membership problem;European Journal of Operational Research;2023-04







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