Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 5, Revision 3 (FGE.05Rev3): Branched‐ and straight‐chain unsaturated aldehydes, dienals, unsaturated and saturated carboxylic acids and related esters with saturated and unsaturated aliphatic alcohols and a phenylacetic acid related ester from chemical groups 1, 2, 3, 5 and 15


,Younes Maged,Aquilina Gabriele,Castle Laurence,Engel Karl‐Heinz,Fowler Paul,Frutos Fernandez Maria Jose,Fürst Peter,Gundert‐Remy Ursula,Gürtler Rainer,Husøy Trine,Moldeus Peter,Oskarsson Agneta,Shah Romina,Waalkens‐Berendsen Ine,Wölfle Detlef,Benigni Romualdo,Bolognesi Claudia,Chipman Kevin,Cordelli Eugenia,Degen Gisela,Marzin Daniel,Svendsen Camilla,Carfì Maria,Martino Carla,Vianello Giorgia,Mennes Wim




Plant Science,Veterinary (miscalleneous),Animal Science and Zoology,Microbiology,Food Science,Parasitology

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