
Chuykin Sergey1,Yashchuk Al'fiya1,Maganova Zarema1,AKATYEVA Galina2,Makusheva Natal'ya2,Egorova Elena3,Kuchuk Kristina2


1. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

2. Bashkir State Medical University

3. Bashkirian State Medical University


Subject of our research is dental examination and identification of the features of the dental status in women with pregnancy complicated by gestosis. There is no doubt that pregnancy is a critical period for woman’s dental health. Objectives. Determine the dental status in women with pregnancy complicated by gestosis. Methods. As part of the study of the dental status of women with pregnancy complicated by gestosis, we conducted a clinical examination of the oral cavity in 127 women. The depth of the vestibule, the level of attachment of the bridles, the state of the bite, the indices of the KPU, IK, PMA, IZN were determined. Results. Our data indicate that the complication of the course of the third trimester of pregnancy with gestosis in women is accompanied by a deterioration in periodontal status, oral hygiene, and a 100% prevalence of gingivitis. Conclusions. The results of the study made it possible to obtain clinical and dental data characterizing the effect of pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia in women in the third trimester on the course of gingivitis, which is the basis for the development of methods for optimizing and increasing the effectiveness of therapeutic and prophylactic measures in this group of patients.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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