
Chuykin Sergey1,Kudashkina Natalia1,AKATYEVA Galina2,Chuykin Oleg3,Makusheva Natal'ya2,Egorova Elena4,Maganova Zarema1,Kuchuk Kristina2


1. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

2. Bashkir State Medical University

3. Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

4. Bashkirian State Medical University


Introduction. Gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnant women) — pathological conditions of the second half of pregnancy, characterized by a triad of main symptoms: edema (hidden and visible), proteinuria, hypertension. In the third trimester, during physiological pregnancy of women and, especially when it is complicated by gestosis, there is a decrease in salivation, an increase in the viscosity and acidity of the oral fluid, which significantly increases the severity of the course of inflammatory periodontal diseases. We have developed a method for local treatment and prevention of gingivitis in women with pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia using a chewing phyto-substrate. Purpose: to assess changes in the physicochemical and biochemical parameters of the oral fluid during the local treatment of gingivitis using a chewing phyto-substrate in pregnant women with gestosis. Materials and methods: the examination of pregnant women was carried out in cooperation with obstetricians-gynecologists at the clinical base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 at the City Clinical Hospital No. 8, Ufa. Physicochemical (salivation rate, kinematic viscosity, pH) and biochemical parameters (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein) of the oral fluid were determined before and after complex treatment of gingivitis with the inclusion of a chewing phyto-substrate in pregnant women with gestosis. Conclusion: in the third trimester during physiological pregnancy and, especially when it is complicated by gestosis, there is a decrease in salivation, an increase in the viscosity and acidity of the oral fluid. The use of chewing phytosubstrate plates in complex treatment, containing 0.1 g of dry extract of the collection (oak bark, licorice alder, birch buds, chamomile flowers, thyme herb) and 1.0 g of beeswax, increases the rate of salivation by 1.5 times, reduces the viscosity of the oral fluid by 1.3 times and its acidity, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed method of local treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women with preeclampsia.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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