
Chuykin Oleg1,Topol'nickiy Orest2,Kuchuk Kristina3ORCID,Chuykin Sergey4ORCID,Davletshin Nail'3,Makusheva Natal'ya3ORCID,AKATYEVA Galina3ORCID,Egorova Elena5,Basyrov Timur3


1. Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

2. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A. I. Evdokimov

3. Bashkir State Medical University

4. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

5. Bashkirian State Medical University


Objectives. Studying the characteristics of oral fluid in people of different age groups and different health conditions: healthy children, children with chronic renal failure, with cerebral palsy, with congenital cleft palate, healthy adults, elderly and senile people, pregnant women. Purpose. To evaluate the influence of somatic pathology and age-related characteristics on parametric biochemical parameters of oral fluid: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein. Methodology. The examination of patients and the collection of material were carried out at the clinical base of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics with the course of IDPO of the Bashkir State Medical University (head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.V. Chuikin). An analysis of oral fluid was carried out in people of different age groups and different health conditions: healthy children, children with chronic renal failure, with cerebral palsy, with congenital cleft palate, healthy adults, elderly and senile people, pregnant women with physiological pregnancy and with edema. Results. Data were obtained on the level of biochemical parameters of oral fluid in people of different age groups and different health conditions: healthy children, children with chronic renal failure, with cerebral palsy, with congenital cleft palate, healthy adults, elderly and senile people, pregnant women. Conclusions. The biochemical composition of oral fluid changes in the presence of somatic pathology, during pregnancy and at different age periods. The dynamics of biochemical parameters of oral fluid can be a diagnostic marker for identifying diseases and allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

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