1. Bashkir State Medical Universitey
2. Bashkir State Medical University
3. Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia
Introduction. The course of dental diseases in pregnant women is significantly affected by extragenital pathology, recorded in 95% of pregnant women and 40% of non-pregnant women of reproductive age.
Objectives: to identify the relationship between changes in obstetric and gynecological status in women with edema caused by pregnancy and the frequency of dental diseases.
Materials and methods. The study groups included 127 pregnant women, including 79 women with edema caused by pregnancy, which made up the 1st group and 48 women with the physiological course of pregnancy, who were included in the 2nd group. The dental status (indices of the CPU, PMA, IZN, the structure of gingivitis), anthropometric data, somatic complications, the results of a general blood test, analysis of coagulogram indicators, analysis of biochemical parameters of the blood of pregnant women, and a general analysis of urine were studied.
Conclusion. When studying the relationship between dental status and somatic obstetric and gynecological pathology in pregnant women with diagnosed edema caused by pregnancy, gingivitis is often recorded in the oral cavity, the prevalence of diseases of the urinary system, which were detected in 36.7%, was diagnosed in second place, chronic arterial hypertension 15.2%, in the third – iron deficiency anemia 13.9%. Our data indicate that the complication of the course of the third trimester of pregnancy with edema is accompanied by a deterioration in periodontal status, oral hygiene, and a 100% prevalence of gingivitis.
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