
Karakov Karen1,Vlasova Tatyana1,Oganyan Artur1,Khachaturyan Araksia1,Karakova Svetlana2,Harutyunyan Mariam1,Amirova Sabina1


1. Stavropol State Medical University

2. City Clinical Hospital № 3


Importance. Despite the improvement of diagnostic methods and the introduction of new technologies in the treatment of pathology of the oral mucosa, it is difficult to achieve stable remission, since 70 % of cases are based on somatic and bodily suffering factors. The article presents data from a comparative analysis of the use of the traditional treatment regimen for patients with pathology of the oral cavity and the inclusion of the latest generation of antipsychotics in the treatment regimen. It was established that, when applied, a tendency towards normalization of psychological and autonomic status was observed. The inclusion of anxiolytics and antioxidants in the complex of general therapy for patients with pathology of the oral mucosa contributed to a more pronounced positive dynamics of achieving and prolonging the phase of remission. Objectives — to evaluate the effectiveness of introducing drugs of the latest generation of antipsychotics into the traditional treatment regimen for patients with pathology of the oral cavity. Methodology. Under our supervision, there were 30 patients aged 40 to 60 years with a diagnosis of pathology of the oral mucosa and pathology of the periodontium. All examined were divided into 2 groups: the main (15 people) and control (15 people). Results. Clinical well-being, manifested in a subjective decrease in pain in the tongue, feelings of rawness, tingling, numbness, awkwardness, in the tongue, was noted already at the 5th visit in 67 % of patients of the main group, while in the control group in 17 % of patients. Conclusions. The inclusion of anxiolytics and antioxidants in the complex of general therapy for patients with pathology of the oral mucosa contributed to a more pronounced positive dynamics of achieving and prolonging the phase of remission. Our data allow us to implement this treatment regimen in practical healthcare.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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