
Galimova Irina1,Yunusova Rita2,Usmanova Irina1,Gerasimova Larisa3,Granot Yigal4,Bortsova Yulia2,Ishmukhametova Amina1,Kuznetsova Lilia2,Muratov Emil2,Usmanova Diana2


1. Bashkirian State Medical University

2. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

3. Bashkirskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

4. Institute of Maxilofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine and Dentistry, Bar Ilan University School of Medicine, Galilee Medical Center


Subject. Some features of the clinical picture, hygienic and microbiological state of the oral cavity, acidity and free-radical oxidation of the oral fluid in patients with recurrent aphthates on the background of acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are considered. The aim is to assess the relationship between clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with recurrent oral aphthae associated with acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Methodology. A comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 58 young people with revealed recurrent aphthae of the oral cavity against the background of acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract was carried out. The level of oral hygiene was assessed using the ONI-s index, the state of free-radical oxidation of the oral fluid - the "Chemilumimer-003" device, individual representatives of the normal flora were identified by inoculating the contents from the surface of aphthous elements on special differential diagnostic media of the HiCrome series. The acidity of the oral fluid was determined using a universal indicator litmus paper pH-1-14, short-term intragastric pHmetry was performed directly during fibrogastroduodenoscopy. Results. In 46.4 % of those examined, recurrent aphthae were found on the oral mucosa. In persons with chronic gastritis and duodenitis, the frequency of recurrences once a year was 37.9 %, 2-3 times a year ― 62.0, with the presence of chronic pancreatitis against the background of hyperacid gastric secretion ― 44.8 and 55.2, respectively. In patients with recurrent aphthae, a low level of oral hygiene, a violation of its microbiome, and a change in the acidity of the oral fluid were revealed. Conclusions. The presence of recurrent aphthae complicates individual oral hygiene, because accompanied by severe pain and paresthetic symptoms. This is manifested by an increase in the ONI-S index and a disturbance in the state of the normobiome in the form of an increase in the growth of resident microflora against the background of changes in the acidity of the oral fluid. Chemiluminescence indices correlate with the hygienic state of the oral cavity, qualitative changes in the normobiota and pH of the oral fluid in the studied clinical groups.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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