
Крайнов Сергей1,Kraynov Sergey2,Михальченко Валерий3,Mihal'chenko Valeriy4,Яковлев Анатолий3,Yakovlev Anatoliy4,Попова Александра1,Popova Aleksandra2,Алеханова Ирина1,Alehanova Irina2


1. Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет

2. Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

3. Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России

4. Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet» Minzdrava Rossii


Background. The article shows the relevance of gerontostomatology, which associate with numerous features of epidemiology, clinical currents and treatment of oral diseases and the need for other approaches to diagnostic events. For the first time, the question of the consistency of the parameter of the depth of the periodontal pocket in assessing the degree of severity of generalized parodontitis in the elderly is raised and also provides a justification for choosing an «attachment loss-AL» indicator, as an alternative to the above criterion. The generalization of the literature data on histoarchitectonics of the periodontal complex, and its effect on the objectivity of instrumental examination, and confonderers in the gerontoparodontological practice. The authors give recommendations on the methodology of sounding packets, as well as correct interpretation of the data with the aim of correctly diagnosing and selecting a valid treatment tactic, including in group examinations. objectives. To optimize the periodontal probing and examination of elderly patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. Methods. 113 elderly patients with chronic generalized periodontitis were examined, using such parameters (determining the damage level of periodontal apparatus) as «depth of the periodontal pockets», «the attachment loss (AL)», «the average depth of the periodontal pockets», «the average AL», «the average max depth of the periodontal pockets», «the average max AL». results. The least measure was «the average depth of the periodontal pockets» (3,52±0,13 mm); «the average max depth of the periodontal pockets» was 4,78±0,17 mm; «the average AL» was more than «the average depth of the periodontal pockets», but it was less than «the average max depth of the periodontal pockets» and «the average max AL» (p<0,05). The most measure was «the average max AL» (5,6±0,19 mm). Conclusions. The most accurate measure was the average AL, which determining the true damage level of periodontal apparatus, taking into account such factors as gingival recession, or gingival hypertrophy.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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