The effects of a single simultaneous impact of physiotherapeutic factors on stress-realizing and stress-limiting systems of the body


Benkov A.A.1ORCID,Nagornev S.N.2ORCID,Frolkov V.K.3ORCID,Gusakova E.V.4ORCID,Nagorneva M.S.5ORCID


1. LLC “Med TeKo”, Moscow, Russia

2. Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

3. FSBI Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks” of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

4. FSBI FPE CSMA, Moscow, Russia

5. FSAEI HE Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia


This study is devoted to assessing the effect of a single simultaneous exposure to a low-frequency electrostatic field and transcranial magnetic therapy on non-specific systemic adaptation mechanisms. Objective: to evaluate the effect of a single combined exposure to a low-frequency electrostatic field and transcranial magnetic therapy on the stress-realizing and stress-limiting systems of the human body. Material and methods of research. The study involved 83 male volunteers aged 25 to 38 years (the average age was 31,4±0,33 years), who did not have any chronic diseases and risk factors for their development (the first health group), who were divided into four groups by simple fixed randomization. The first group (control group, 21 people) received placebo treatment (imitation of physiotherapy treatment with the device turned off). In the second group (main group 1, 20 people), the volunteers were singly exposed to transcranial magnetic therapy with traveling magnetic field (TMT TMF) using the device «Amo-Atos» with the attachment «Headband» (RU from 18.11.2011 №FSR 2011/12325). In the third group (main group 2, 21 people), the volunteers were singly exposed to low-frequency electrostatic field (LFESF) using the multifunctional therapeutic system «Khivamat-200» (RU from 12.04.2017 №RZN 2017/5597). To assess the stress-realizing and stress-limiting systems of the body, an analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) was performed, which allows determining the tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Blood levels of ACTH, cortisol, glucagon, LPO products (malondialdehyde (MDA) and Schiff base (SB)), as well as insulin and the activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD and catalase) were measured. The study was carried out three times: in the initial state, after 30 minutes, and a day after the end of the single exposure to the complex of physiofactors. The results obtained allow concluding that the criteria for the optimality of a combined single exposure to physiotherapeutic factors is a stable activation of stress-limiting mechanisms against the background of an initial moderate increase and gradual diminishment of stress-realizing manifestations. The dynamics of the estimated indicators observed a day after the exposure indicates the increasing adaptive capabilities of the body to minimize stress-damaging effects. A single simultaneous application of physiotherapy factors demonstrated the possibility of targeted implementation of the strategy of adaptation and control of the severity of physiological, hormonal and metabolic changes within the framework of a non-specific stress response, which opens up new opportunities for optimizing the treatment process.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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