Change in parameters of the microcirculatory tissue system of the peri implant zone in patients with peri implantitis during complex use of mesodiencephalic modulation and ozone therapy


,Balaeva M. R.ORCID,Nagornev S. N.ORCID, ,Remizova A. A.ORCID,


Abstract. Purpose of the study: The article examines the role of microcirculation disorders in the pathogenesis of peri-implantitis in patients after dental implantation. Materials and methods. It is shown that the development of peri-implantitis is characterized by significant changes in the parameters of microhemodynamics and oxygen exchange in the tissue involved in the inflammatory process. The state of oxygen and energy deficiency prompts the progression of inflammatory changes with the formation of signs of tissue destruction around dental implants. The application of a standard scheme of peri-implantitis therapy is accompanied by a correction of the microcirculatory tissue system indicators. The supplementation of standard treatment with course use of medical physical factors promotes the strengthening of the positive dynamics of microcirculation parameters of the peri-implant zone. The corrective influence of MDM-therapy is connected with the activation of the mechanisms of neuroendocrine regulation of vegetative functions, while the basis of ozone therapy is the polymodality of the factor, including the relaxation of the precapillary blood flow, improvement of the rheological properties of the blood, and the stimulating effect on angiogenesis processes. Results. The complex application of medical physical factors, combining systemotropic and local impacts, different modalities and points of application of their corrective activity, contributes to the manifestation of functional potentiation with a maximal corrective effect.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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