E-commerce development trends in Russia and the European Union


Krasilnikova E. A.,


Growth rates of e-commerce turnover in the global context of estimates form multiples over the past two years. World statistics show an increase in the indicator by an average of 1.3 times. The e-com turnover in Central and Eastern Europe in 2020 rose by 1.29 times compared to 2019, in Western Europe – by 1.26 times, in North America - by 1.32 times, in Latin America - by 1.39 times. Such growth rates in 2020 were formed taking into account the low base of 2019, which affected the projected increase in the indicator in 2021 within the framework of chain estimates. So, according to experts, the growth rate of the indicator will be 12-17%. Conceptual approaches determine the analysis of trends in the economic development of the countries of the European Union. Comparisons with trends in the dynamics of indicators of the Russian Federation will allow forming a block of comprehensive conceptual assessments.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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