Panasenko S. V., ,Andreev A. A.,
The article considers a scientific problem that is the lack of development of methodology, concepts, and mechanisms for the effective functioning and development of digital platform solutions in the process of implementing SMART=technologies in the activities of such trade market drivers as marketplaces. The results of the analysis of the current state of research on this problem are presented. The analysis showed that the development of effective mechanisms and tools for digital transformation of the economy and its individual sectors and industries (including trade) based on platform solutions is among the priorities of modern science. The study made it possible to identify the future key direction of the development of marketplaces based on modern service technologies, among which are the following: analytics services, services for setting up advertising campaigns, external promotion services, technical services, fulfillment. It is noted that such technologies are tools for improving the efficiency of trading on marketplaces.
PANORAMA Publishing House
General Mathematics,General Mathematics,Rheumatology,Molecular Biology,Cell Biology,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Histology,Biochemistry,Biophysics,General Materials Science,General Medicine,Virology,Microbiology,General Medicine,Maternity and Midwifery,Pharmacology (nursing)
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