Hardiness and Coping-Strategies of Adolescents with Motor Impairments


Gorkovaya I.A.1,Miklyaeva A.V.2


1. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

2. Russian State Teaching University A.I. Herzen


The article presents results of the study on hardiness and coping strategies of adolescents with motor impairments. 67 adolescents with different motor impairments aged 13-16 years, 33 of them are adolescents with severe impairments and 34 of them are adolescents with mild impairments surveyed. The comparison group consisted of 112 healthy adolescents. The empirical data collecting made by the short version of the Hardiness Test, the Questionnaire of Coping Strategies, expert interviews of teachers, analysis of documents. The results show that in case of mild motor impairments there is no reduction of hardiness, in the case of severe impairments the hardiness is lower than in the comparison group. Adolescents with motor impairments have more adaptive coping strategies, in comparison with healthy peers, mainly in the aspect of emotionally-oriented coping. In the case of severe motor impairments, hardiness is correlated with the ability to maintain emotional well-being, in the case of severe motor impairments it also matters to abandon nonadaptive behavioral coping strategies.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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