1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
2. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education graduate
The problem of the research is important in the context of psychological assistance and interaction with adolescents with disabilities. The study aimed to carry out a comparative analysis of the resilience profiles of adolescents with congenital (cerebral palsy), acquired disabilities (oncology, rheumatic diseases) and healthy peers. The study involved 51 adolescents with cerebral palsy, 61 with oncological diseases, 51 with rheumatic diseases and 86 conditionally healthy adolescents aged 13 to 18 years old. In total it embraced 249 teenagers (mean age 14.94+1.48), of which 128 were male and 121 were female. There were used the following methods: the “Victimity” questionnaire (M.A. Odintsova, N.P. Radchikova), “Resilience Test” (E.N. Osin, E.I. Rasskazova) and “COPE” questionnaire (E.I. Rasskazova, T.O. Gordeeva, E.N. Osin). The study revealed significant differences in the resilience profiles of adolescents from different groups: healthy teenagers are mainly characterized by unstable and resilient profiles; adolescents with oncology and rheumatic diseases — by all three profiles; adolescents with cerebral palsy — by victim and unstable ones. The female part of the sample, unlike the male part, are characterized by unstable and victim profiles. The most significant differences in groups with different resilience profiles were found in coping strategies related to the dysfunctional coping style. The use of coping strategies: behavioral disengagement, mental disengagement, concentration on emotions and humor leads to a decrease in resilience in the boys of the entire sample. Concentration on emotions, behavioral disengagement, mental disengagement, and infrequent use of active coping are predictors of reduced resilience
in girls.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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