Internal disorder pattern as a predictor of adaptation of disabled adults


Adeeva Tatiana N.1ORCID,Tikhonova Inna V.1ORCID


1. Kostroma State University


The article is devoted to the problem of adaptation of disabled adults. The influence of personal characteristics on adaptation and the problems of including people in the Societas are usually studied. This publication examines the influence of the internal disorder pattern on adaptation. The internal disorder pattern is a complex of sensations, knowledge, experiences, motivational changes associated with the violation. The results of an empirical study involving 75 disabled adults are presented. The methods of conversation, survey and statistical processing were used. It was found that the severity of the components of the internal disorder pattern differs in groups of adults with different variants of dysontogeny. The greatest number of correlations was found between the adaptation parameters and the physical component of the internal disorder pattern. The physical component is a predictor of the overall level of adaptability, internality and emotional comfort. This is important for people with severe speech and hearing disorders. The cognitive component is a predictor of internal control in a group of people with hearing impairments. There was no influence of the components of the internal disorder pattern on adaptation in groups of people with visual impairment and mobility disabilities. It is suggested that this influence is mediated through personal characteristics and self-attitude.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Kostroma State University

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