1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
2. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE)
3. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
<p style="text-align: justify;">The article discusses the current state of efficiency evaluation understanding for practices for children with ASD. The authors provide the algorithm of description in terms of evidence-based approach with intervention features that are crucial for replication and analysis of efficacy, incorporating the theoretical background, target group, goals and objectives, implementation plan, technical support, as well as the research team and evidence studies. These recommendations were developed with reference to the Russian instructional tradition and criteria for evidence-based practices. The article also describes the potential of an evidence-based approach both in terms of confirming the effectiveness of interventions and assistance practices, and their implementation in the practical work of specialists in educational and psychological profiles. The presented algorithm can be used for planning of efficacy studies by psychologists and teachers who develop methods for support and interventions in children with autism spectrum disorders as well as professionals who assess the efficiency of such practices.</p>
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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