Multi-Dimensional Model of the Zone of Proximal Development as a Way to Analyze the Dynamics of the Child’s Development in Learning Activity


Zaretsky V.K.1,Nikolaevskaia I.A.2


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education



This paper describes the possibility of using a multi-dimensional model of the zone of proximal development for a qualitative analysis of the cognitive-personal dynamics of a child’s development in the process of overcoming learning difficulties. The model was developed in the framework of the reflective activity approach to the provision of advisory assistance. The use of this model for analyzing the dynamics of the cognitive-personal development of a child makes it possible to establish “developmental steps” recorded as new formations in the cognitive abilities of the child and to determine the personal characteristics associated with the primary cognitive changes. A case of providing counseling psychological and pedagogical assistance by means of a reflective-activity approach was considered, the situation was assessed at the beginning of the counseling process and after 8 sessions, the main changes were reflected. To describe the initial and subsequent picture and the changes that occurred, a multi-dimensional model of the zone of proximal development was used.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Clinical Psychology,Health (social science),Developmental and Educational Psychology

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