Questionnaire for Assessing the Self-Change Potential of a Person


Manukyan V.R.1ORCID,Murtazina I.R.2ORCID,Grishina N.V.1ORCID


1. Saint-Petersburg State University

2. Saint Petersburg State University


The paper presents the development of the Self-Change Potential questionnaire. The validation of the questionnaire was conducted in three steps. Within the first series of studies (N=248) the structure of the questionnaire was defined, the consistency of the resulting scales was checked and certain items were corrected. The construct validity of the modified version of the questionnaire was tested within the second series of studies (N=569). At the final stage (N=36) test-retest reliability was checked. The obtained Cronbach’s α coefficients (0,64—0,8) for all scales of the questionnaire and the sum score demonstrated its satisfactory consistency. All items had significant correlations with the sum score (р<0,0001). To test the construct validity we used the Change Response Styles Questionnaire, the Portrait Value Questionnaire (revised version), the Style of Conscious Self-Regulation of the Behavior Questionnaire, and the Self-Efficacy Scale. Correlations with these measures confirmed the construct validity of the questionnaire. The Self-Change Potential Questionnaire can be used for assessing a person’s ability for self-changes on the various levels of mental organization, which could be consciously initiated and actualized.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Clinical Psychology,Health (social science),Developmental and Educational Psychology

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