Important life goals and attitudes towards health in student age


Semikin Viktor V.1,Anisimov Aleksey I.2,Maleeva Polina A.3


1. State Institution of YaNAO ‟Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic”

2. St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work

3. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


The article attempts to empirically show the possibilities of one of the approaches to solving the problem of developing a value attitude to health. This approach can be carried out by forming a young person's desire to achieve important life goals and increase the meaning of life. In a psychodiagnostic study, the relationship between the individual's intention to realize important life goals and his attitude to health and psychological well-being in the existential sense is traced. It is shown that students who are focused on achieving high-order goals tend to activate the psychological resources of health to a greater extent, highlight the value of health and evaluate their lives as prosperous.


Kostroma State University


Building and Construction

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