1. Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)
2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
According to cultural historical activity theory motivation, adaptability, study-related experience (“perezhivanie”), and moral codes may be considered as prerequisites for Digital educational environment (DEE) acceptance. To measure the attitudes towards DEE a Scale for Assessing University Digital Edu¬cational Environment was used (AUDEE Scale by M. Sorokova, M. Odintsova, and N. Radchikova). Aca¬demic motivation was evaluated by “Academic Motivation Scales” Questionnaire (by T. Gordeeva, O. Sy¬chev, and E. Osin). Study-related experiences were measured by Activity-Related Experiences Assessment technique (AREA) developed by D. Leontiev and his colleagues. Moral behavior was evaluated with the help of Moral Disengagement Questionnaire (MD-24) adapted by Y. Ledovaya and her colleagues. Stu¬dents’ adaptability was accessed by a questionnaire developed by T. Dubovitskaya and A. Krylova. 406 stu¬dents of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education took part in the investigation (90,1% fe¬male). The average age was 28,7±9,6 years (median = 24 years) varying from 19 to 72 years. The results showed that it is possible to distinguish two groups based on the results of AUDEE scale: Acceptance group and Resistance group. Acceptance group has higher scores in almost all motivation indicators, study-related experiences of pleasure and meaning, adaptability to educational activities, and lower scores in five out of seven moral disengagement strategies. Statistical analysis (classification trees) showed that motiva¬tion (both external and internal) and study-related experience are key resources for the DEE acceptance.
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Psychology (miscellaneous),Social Psychology,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Cultural Studies,Applied Psychology
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3 articles.