Structure and content of the athletes training program in classical powerlifting at the stage of preparation for higher achievements


Verbovyi V.,Roztorhui M.


The basis for building the training of highly qualified athletes in powerlifting for many years is a jump-like or systematic planning of load components in the structural formations of the training process, characterized by increasing volume and intensity as athletes become skilled. As a result of application of such approach to construction of preparation of sportsmen already at a stage of preparation for higher achievements parameters of volume and intensity of loading reach the maximum possible indicators that causes forcing of sports results and exhausts reserve possibilities of an organism of powerlifters. The purpose of this research is to substantiate the structure and content of the training program for athletes in classical powerlifting at the stage of preparation for higher achievements. To achieve this goal, analogy, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, induction, extrapolation, analysis of best practices were used. Based on the analysis of available scientific knowledge and best practices, the structure and content of the training program for athletes in classical powerlifting at the stage of preparation for higher achievements are substantiated. The author's program is based on the use of a differentiated approach to planning the volume and intensity of the load in different groups of exercises in microcycles, which allows to maintain high levels of load intensity against the background of reducing the amount of load. The use of a differentiated approach to the planning of load components in groups of exercises in microcycles provides a sufficient degree of adaptive shifts in the body of athletes to ensure increased performance of competitive activities and reduce the likelihood of forcing sports results.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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