1. Bobrovnyk V.I., Sovenko S.P., Kolot A.V. Athletics: a textbook. Kyiv: Logos; 2017. p. 361-367.
2. Bobrovnyk V.I., Sovenko S.P., Kolot A.V. Athletics: Curriculum for children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of higher sportsmanship and specialized educational institutions of the sports profile. Kyiv: Logos; 2019. p. 60-65.
3. Bobrovnyk V. I. Characteristic features of the training process of qualified middle- and long-distance runners in the spring-summer macrocycle / Bobrovnyk V. I., Tkachenko M. L., Domaradska G. G. // Scientific journal [National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov]. Series 15: Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture.
4. Official website of the European Athletics Federation: [Electronic resource] https://www.european- athletics.com/historical-data/top-list/season.
5. Official website of the International Athletics Federation: [Electronic resource] https://worldathletics.org/competition/calendar-results.