Modern technology for training qualified runners for middle distances (800, 1500 m) based on the development of model training microcycles of the stages of spring-summer preparatory and summer competition periods of the third year of training of the stage


Bobrovnyk V.I.,Tkachenko M.L.,Puhachov D.O.


The modern sports calendar enables qualified middle-distance runners, starting from the spring-summer preparatory and summer competition period, to actively participate in competitions starting from April and ending in October. A feature of the spring-summer competitive period is currently the participation of athletes in competitions 1-2 times a week, therefore the development of model weekly microcycles associated with the maximum manifestation of the necessary physical abilities (speed, strength and special endurance) should be based on the performance of special exercises in intensity zones (95-98% of the personal result) in the training process. In this regard, the development of training microcycles in the spring- summer competitive period is relevant. Based on the generalization of advanced theoretical and practical experience, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the analysis of individual training plans for middle-distance runners, and a questionnaire survey of leading Ukrainian endurance running coaches (medium and long distances) and radio telemetry, running exercises were selected for development (general endurance, special endurance, speed qualities) and adjusted the methodology of their application for middle-distance runners at the stage of specialized basic training, 7 model weekly training microcycles of middle-distance runners in the spring-summer preparatory and summer competitive period of the third year of training at the stage of specialized training were also developed basic training.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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