The tasks of the stages of the annual cycle, the solution of which is the basis for improving physical qualities, which ensures the effectiveness of middle-distance running of athletes at the stage of specialized basic training


Bobrovnyk V.I.,Puhachov D.O.


The current training method focuses on the athlete at the stage of specialized basic training to further achieve a consistent level of development of special strength, as well as basic strength and strength abilities, It is fundamentally necessary to thoroughly understand the technical and tactical abilities of a mid-distance runner in the minds of a high level for The highest level of basic tasks is to achieve a high level of diversity and the interconnection of all types of preparation - physical, technical, tactical, psychological, moral-volitional, etc. Based on periodization systems, we improved the annual training macrocycle for middle-distance runners in the third year of specialized basic training, which includes: 2 autumn-winter and spring-summer macrocycles, 6 main periods and 16 training stages, which include 18 mesocycles and 52 microcycles. Considering the stages of preparation of the annual training cycle as the basis of the training process of middle-distance runners at the stage of specialized basic training, we developed groups of exercises with different predominant orientation, and on this basis, model microcycles of each stage were built depending on the tasks. On the basis of the annual training macrocycle of qualified middle-distance runners in the third year of training at the stage of specialized basic training, the main tasks of the stages of the annual training cycle of different predominant orientations were developed, which are the basis for improving the components of physical qualities. The developed tasks of the stages of the annual training cycle are aimed at increasing the capabilities of the aerobic system, the aerobic-anaerobic system, as well as the anaerobic energy supply system, which will make it possible to lay an aerobic-anaerobic base on which middle-distance runners will successfully perform large volumes of special work, carry loads more easily, and recover faster after them at the stage of specialized basic training.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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