The quality of professional training of students - the key to successful implementation of special tasks


Oderov A.,Leshchinskyi O.,Pervachuk O.,Babych M.,Nebozhuk O.,Bohdanov М.,Bubon V.,Abramenko O.,Khachatryan A.


Success in military service, as in other professional activities, is dependent on the characteristics of the processes of training and education that is necessary to build not only on the basis of General psychological-pedagogical regularities, but also for well-founded methods of influence, corresponding to individual characteristics of trainees. The efficiency of an officer is determined by the level of professional training in military educational institution, including how successfully he mastered the curriculum in the disciplines of combat training. The main objective of physical training in the armed forces of regardie is to maintain a level of physical preparedness of personnel to perform the service and combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose. In the physical training process is formed in the first place, strength, speed, endurance and agility, on the basis of their military-applied skills, and in the subsequent theoretical and organizational-methodical skills. Developed in the course of physical and morally-psychological qualities, promotes the formation of warriors for a professional Outlook, ie professional consciousness of the person, implying a deep reflective knowledge of oneself in the activity. Development of professional identity helps to better understand and evaluate themselves, their performance, determine benchmarks for professional and personal growth.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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