Sorokolit N.,Rymar O.,Shevtsiv U.,Galashevskij G.,Pylypchak I.,Poltaets A.,Baldetskiy A.
Modern hand- to-hand combat is often characterized by the manifestation of unfavorable aspects associated with the lack of effective psychological training and psychological justification for intense physical and psychological stress that lead athletes to socially significant competitions. It involves the execution of punches and kicks and defense against them, throws, painful techniques associated with significant risks and danger for military personnel involved in this sport. Thus, the formation of the state of mental and psychological readiness of hand-to-hand specialists in the process of military professional activity and preparation for competitions remains an urgent issue.
Analyzing the current conditions and actions caused by the invasion of the Russian aggressor, taking into account the state of military personnel during combat operations, the use of physical force in the absence of weapons and military equipment, we can state that hand-to-hand combat and hand-to-hand combat at this stage will be crucial in shaping the psychological readiness to perform combat missions as intended and achieve victory over the enemy in close combat.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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