Features of professional training of military personnel of tank units


Bolshakov O.,Romanchuk S.,Sorokolit N.,Afonin V.,Klymovych V.,Rymar O.,Baldetsky A.


Abstract. Physical training of military personnel has always been a subject of research by specialists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Researchers have considered it in various aspects. The problem of optimizing the organization of physical training of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - cadets of higher military educational institutions of Ukraine (HMESU) - has been considered most thoroughly. The most powerful force in the offensive and defense are mechanized troops, the basis of which are armored units, the training of officers for which is carried out by higher military educational institutions. The basis of practical training in the performance of combat support tasks for tank troops is the consistent development of tasks and standards during tactical exercises and training in accordance with the professional training program and the collection of standards for combat training of units of the Land Forces. The wide variety of tasks performed by tank crew specialists makes it difficult to divide them into groups with approximately the same nature of professional actions in terms of the specifics of physical activity. The main problem of training specialists for tank units is the insufficiently developed program of specialized physical training for cadets. There are very few publications in the available literature devoted to the problem of physical training of tankers. In view of the above, there is a need to improve the professional training of tank units and to determine the attitude of tank cadets of different courses to the content and organization of physical training conducted with them during their studies at a higher military educational institution.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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