Analysis Of Physical Training Programs For Future Officers Of Nato Member States


Yarmak Olena,Chepurnyi Vadym


The article analyzes the scientific sources on the peculiarities of physical training programs for cadets-future officers in higher military educational institutions of NATO member states. It has been found that military training of officers in NATO countries takes place in various military academies, officer schools and military training courses at civilian educational institutions. Military educational institutions have a special approach to the organization of physical training. However, their common characteristic is the intensity of training aimed at the comprehensive development of various aspects of functional fitness of military personnel. It is noted that the physical training of future officers is an important component and an effective means of ensuring their readiness to perform their professional duties in any conditions. Physical training curricula are decentralized and vary depending on the type of armed forces, which makes it possible to adapt them to specific goals, conditions, resources and approaches. It is important to note that physical training programs for future officers emphasize a comprehensive approach to training. This means that not only physical qualities, but also psychological and leadership qualities are considered integral elements of successful training. The conscious development of psychological skills, such as concentration, endurance, and emotional control, is becoming a necessary component of physical training. Considerable attention is also paid to the individual training of soldiers. Each soldier has his own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. An individually tailored program can make the most of these differences, ensuring the effective and safe development of each cadet, which is an important component of a modern military officer.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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