The system of physical training of the French Armed Forces: features, content and structure of training


Petrachkov Oleksandr,Bielikov Illia,Verbin Nazariy,Finohenov Yurii


The article analyzes the structure and components of the system of physical training of the French Armed Forces, current and prospective French and Ukrainian military training programs and effectiveness of physical training in the context of ensuring a high level of combat readiness of soldiers of the French Armed Forces. The system of physical training of the French Armed Forces is distinguished by its uniqueness and long history of formation and development, which reflects military traditions and innovations. Military training of officers in France includes three main stages, each of which has its own characteristics and specialization. It is characterized by the fact that training in the French Armed Forces is based on an individual approach to each soldier, adapting appropriate training programs to the specific needs and tasks of military unit. It has been determined that the French military actively cooperates with leading sports organizations, scientific research institutions and international partners in order to remain on the front line in the field of physical training and sports. This commitment to innovation provides the French Armed Forces with the ability to effectively respond to new challenges and threats, maintaining a high level of combat readiness. The system of physical training of the French Armed Forces is an important element of the national defence strategy, which combines centuries of experience, modern scientific achievements and an innovative approach. This makes it one of the most effective and progressive in the world, ensuring the reliable protection of the national interests of France.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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