Methodological features of using the «slide» element


Kosynskyi E. O.


The purpose of the article is to analyze sliders as an element of motor activity. To offer new options for the practical use of this motor element. The work used such general scientific and special methods as the analysis of sources on the chosen subject, historical excursion, methodological analysis, comparison, method of analogies. The technical element «slider» is analyzed, also it is described the technique of its execution in choreography and national single combats and it is defined the typical characteristics of this movement in this work. Examples of using sliders for counterattack are given. The possibility of using sliders in the conditions of modern training is considered. The expediency of using this element as a means of developing special physical training in the Armed Forces is also substantiated. Variants of mobile games using sliders are offered. Various classic and innovative options for the use of sliders are presented, both in a practical and applied aspect, and in the aspect of effective development of physical qualities. The author's method of using the slider is proposed. Therefore, the variants of use and performance of the «slider» element described in the work can be recommended for choreography, sports games, national single combats, as well as for special military physical training.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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